About us

LYEN EDU CONSULT: Your Gateway to Study and Work Opportunities Abroad

Welcome to LYEN EDU CONSULT, your trusted partner in realizing your dreams of studying abroad and securing rewarding job opportunities, especially in Canada

Let us help you unlock your potential and seize the countless opportunities awaiting you in Canada and beyond. Your future starts here with LYEN EDU CONSULT.

Expert Guidance
Proven Success
Tailored Solutions
Comprehensive Support
Call to ask any question +124 987 8852

Emmanuel Nyankson

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Whether you need assistance with visa renewals, or further educational pursuits, we’re here to help.

Our relationship with clients extends beyond the initial consultation. We view ourselves as your long-term partners in success, offering ongoing support and guidance as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of studying and working abroad.

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.


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