
Amazing Universities that are willing to take you in.

Its always a joy for these institutions to have student come around and study with them and also provide an opportunity for career.

Cape Breton University Lyeneduconsult
We also bring a strong interest in coaching and capability building, with an emphasis on emotional.

Cape Breton University

Nova Scotia Community College Lyeneduconsult
NSCC is a leading institution in Nova Scotia offering career-focused programs in a supportive environment with modern facilities and industry connections.

Nova Scotia Community College

Fleming College Lyeneduconsult
Located in Ontario, Fleming College provides hands-on learning and practical skills development across various disciplines, preparing students for real-world challenges.

Fleming College

Lakehead University Lyeneduconsult
With campuses in Thunder Bay and Orillia, Lakehead University in Ontario is renowned for academic excellence and research contributions, offering a diverse range of undergraduate and graduate programs.

Lakehead University

Acadia University Lyeneduconsult
Acadia University, nestled in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley, offers strong academic programs and a vibrant campus community, fostering personalized learning experiences and student success.

Acadia University

Trebas Institute Lyeneduconsult
Trebas Institute, with campuses in Montreal and Toronto, specializes in creative arts and entertainment education, providing industry-focused programs to prepare students for careers in music, film, and event management.

Trebas Institute


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